Central Board of Secondary Education
(An Autonomous Organization under the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India)
“Shiksha Sadan”, 17, Rouse Avenue, Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 002
CBSE/ACAD/JS(ART&I) Circular No.:Acad-44/2016.
Date: 03/11/2016
All Heads of Institutions
affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Celebration of National Education Day on 11th November 2016
In pursuance of the instructions of the Ministry of Human Resource Development vide Resolution No. 17-35/2004-PN-1 Section dated 11 September 2008, 11th November is being observed every year as National Education Day. The observance of National Education Day is in commemoration of the birth anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad for his great contribution to the cause of education in India.
Accordingly, Schools affiliated to the Board are requested to observe National Education Day on 11th November 2016 by organizing seminars, essay writing, slogan writing, elocution competition, workshops and rallies on the importance of literacy and education for the wellbeing of society. While observing National Education Day, Schools may also introspect their ongoing programme such as Community Outreach, Entrepreneurial Projects, Vocational Skills, Life Skills, Inclusive Education etc.
“We must not for a moment forget, it is a birth right of every individual to receive at least the basic education without which he cannot fully discharge his duties as a citizen.”
“Education imparted by heart can bring revolution in the society.”
-Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
The activities may be conducted as per the schedule of the schools. Schools may send their report on email cbsened@gmail.com by 15 November 2016.
(Manoj Kr. Srivastava)
Joint Secretary (ART&I)